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How Sileu Cup Works

All of us are now concerned about the health and the effect of the environment on our lifestyle. To maintain hygiene and clean lifestyle is the main issue. To keep the hygiene issue in the mind, women now prefer to use menstrual cups instead of sanitary napkins and tampons because it can provide comfort, hygiene and reliability.

Here we are showing some easy and simple steps to make your experience more comfortable use of Sileu cup.

Step 1:  How to fold it             

You can fold this cup in many ways. According to the first option, you can fold it like U shaped. Press both sides of the cup, and then fold it in half again. It will form a U shape and you can easily use it.

There is another way for the Sileu cup. Place your finger on the rim of the cup and then push it inside. It will take a triangle look. This shape makes it easier to insert in your vagina.


Step 2: How to hold it

Hold the Sileu cup on the folded side and take it between your thumb and forefinger. Keep the curved sides facing outside so that the narrow side is facing to the palm.  But before holding the menstrual cup, don’t forget to wash your hands properly.

Step 3:  How to insert the cup

The first thing you have to do is to find the cervix and appropriate position to insert the cup. To find the position easily, you have to sit comfortably and relax all cervical muscles. Separate the labia and find the opening of the vagina and then place the curved side of the cup horizontally and push it into the vagina not more than half an inch. After inserting the cup top should pop open. Don’t push it further because it may be difficult to remove.

Step 4:  Seal it and rotate properly

After inserting the Sileu cup, rotate it about 45 degrees. Don’t hold the stem but hold the base for rotating the cup. Rotate easily and comfortable so that the cup top open properly.

Step 5:  How to remove

Ii it is placed properly inside the vagina, then it will be removed properly. Hold the stem and pull it outside. Pinch the Sileu cup and continue to pull it out. For removing easily, you should sit comfortably to relax vaginal muscle like you did it during inserting. After removing, empty the cup and wash it with lukewarm water and sterilizer.

When to wash:

You should remove the cup after a maximum of twelve hours. You can detail how to wash cups from the following link:

As per requirement. you need to change the cup twice a day. You should empty it in the morning and in the evening. For the first and second days of the cycle, you need to empty it thrice a day because, at this time, blood flow is high than other time. Emptying in the morning would be wise because in the morning, the cup should be full of fluids and you can pass the day with a fresh Sileu cup.

Keep it clean and ensure hygiene. We can assure you that if you start using cups in the menstrual cycle, you will never go back to another product. So enjoy your monthly and pass it in ease.


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Vaginismus: Causes of Vaginal Narrowing

Many women have heard of erectile dysfunction, which occurs in men when they cannot have an erection. Generally, the causes of impotence are usually psychological and have nothing to do with the man not feeling pleasure. As women, we also suffer from the inability to open ourselves up to penetration (even from a tampon) for psychological reasons, and this is what is known as vaginismus.

vaginismus narrowing

Although it is not a very well-known term, vaginismus is the difficulty during sex with penetration due to the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. This causes what is known as vestibulodynia, which is unexplained pain experienced in the first part of the vaginal canal before any of the stimuli described above.

Basically, it means that your vagina narrows more than it should when you insert any object into it such as a menstrual cup, equipment for gynecological studies, or even during sexual intercourse.

The first thing we want to clarify is that you’re not responsible or guilty for it happening, nor does it mean that you don’t feel pleasure when you’re with your partner. Vaginismus has other underlying causes and can be minor or more severe depending on each woman.

Before continuing, it’s important to note that this type of narrowing and vestibulodynia shouldn’t be confused with dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).

Why Does Vaginismus Occur?

Vaginismus can be identified and diagnosed from adolescence, when girls unsuccessfully attempt to put on a tampon, or at later ages when they try to have sex that is painful or very uncomfortable.

As stated earlier, it occurs when the vaginal walls do not allow passage into the vagina. Although these are physical responses from the body, in most cases it is based on psychological reasons. These may be:

  1. Anxiety before penetration is one of the most common causes, which narrows the vaginal canal because of fear experienced at the time of penetration, making the act more uncomfortable and difficult. The fear of suffering pain could cause the same thing to happen in the future.
  2. Another reason is the fear of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, trauma from an event such as rape, poor body image, or even dislike or fear of a partner.
  3. Often a lack of information and education on sexual organs can lead to fear and aversion to such things. Visits to the gynecologist which ended up being uncomfortable or traumatic can also produce fear during coitus and thus, vaginismus.

Of course, there are also physical causes such as endometriosis and other pelvic inflammatory diseases, hemorrhoids, recurring candidiasis, etc.

How do I Know if I Have This Condition?

To identify if you suffer from vaginismus, it is necessary to rule out that the source of the discomfort is involuntary responses from the pelvic muscles and that it is not related to dyspareunia.

Dyspareunia is pain during sexual intercourse caused by certain conditions such as vaginal candidiasisendometriosis, vaginal dryness, menopause, infectious agents, a condom latex allergy, etc.

That being said, the signs you may be experiencing vaginismus are:

  1. Inability or difficulty upon inserting more than two fingers into the vagina.
  2. Difficulty inserting a tampon or menstrual cup.
  3. Pain during intercourse from the feeling of having a very narrow vagina.
  4. Excessive discomfort when inserting devices during gynecological examinations.

Furthermore, if you are aware that you may be having symptoms of anxiety before penetration, or if you have had any trauma related to your genitals or sexual intercourse, you may have a case of vaginismus.

Treatments for Vaginismus: Can it be beaten?

vaginismusThis is a condition that affects many women and can end up interfering with a couple’s sex life. Additionally, many may wonder, “Am I doomed to use sanitary pads for the rest of my life because I can’t wear a menstrual cup?”

Fortunately, the issues causing vaginismus can be treated most of the time. Depending on the type of vaginismus (primary when it occurs from the first time having sex or secondary if it occurs later), you can determine which treatment is most appropriate in your case.

If you know that these issues originate from the psyche, psychological therapy can help you overcome anxiety, fear, and trauma and, therefore, leave vaginismus behind. Going to both a physiotherapist and a sexologist can help you to reduce this condition.

There are vaginal dilators, which are devices that help to open the vagina gradually, and which may be recommended by competent specialists for treatment.

Nevertheless, you should always consult with your doctor if you know that it could be due to physical situations like recurrent candidiasis or other vaginal infections, sexually-transmitted diseases, endometriosis, or if you have given birth recently by C-section.

As a situation that can affect both you and your partner, it’s best to talk about it together and become informed and educated so that your partner can support you during your recovery. Sex is a fundamental part of being a healthy couple, so communication is vital for a healthy relationship.

Another question: Can I use a menstrual cup if I suffer from vaginismus?

The menstrual cup is a device that is very safe for both the body and the environment. However, your comfort comes first– so once you have improved with the treatment authorized by your doctor or physiotherapist, you can use it perfectly.

However, if even with treatment and therapy you still feel pain or find it very difficult inserting the menstrual cup, it’s best not to force it in.

At Sileu, we are here to advise you through five advisory mechanisms by which you can communicate with us. Do not hesitate to ask us to resolve any concerns.

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What is Free Bleeding?

Indeed– many of us have been shouting for intimate hygiene products that don’t irritate our genitals and that don’t produce so much waste; and for that, the menstrual cup has arrived. Now, with the use of the cup and the feminine empowerment that has emerged with societal development, it’s not only about health but also about ideologies: menstruation as an instrument of women’s power. With this, free bleeding was born.

free bleedingFree bleeding, though not a new practice, has become a recent trend. It consists of letting our menstruation flow, bleeding freely and breaking the taboos and mental barriers that revolve around the period. Generally, it consists of not using intimate hygiene items such as pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. Some women have even learned the art of holding their blood within and, when ready, expelling it whenever they want.

It’s interesting to see that this practice functions as a means of expression adopted by the feminist movement. It resurfaces from a 2014 marathon when activist Kiran Gandhi ran a course wearing visible menstrual stains. This symbolic act attempted to break the stigmatization of the period that many women and girls suffer from around the world.

Kiran Gandhi free bleedingBut, the key question is: Can I practice free bleeding without staining my underwear? Can all girls practice it?

How do you do free bleeding?
Technically, the essence of free bleeding is really letting your blood run freely regardless of any evidence left by your period or of what others think about it. But as said before, it’s about an ideology in which you must not only let your blood flow but become aware of your menstrual process.

It allows self-knowledge and awareness of the vaginal muscles, as well as encourages you to perceive the reactions generated by your body when it is about to start its period.

How is it done?

Of course, if you agree with the concept of free bleeding but don’t want the blood to stream down your legs like a river, there are techniques women use to control their blood flow. These require practice through the use of the pelvic floor muscles.

Women who practice it have the capacity to contract their vaginal muscles to contain the flow of blood for a certain amount of time.

All of us can feel it when our fluid is about to come out. At that moment, before passing through the uterine neck or cervix, a woman must contract her vaginal muscles to hold in the blood and, as necessary, go to the bathroom to release it. Therefore, you must practice self-awareness to recognize the moment to hold it in and the moment to let it go.

In order to increase your strength in these muscles, it’s very common to practice Kegel exercises and other techniques that you can read in our article “What is the pelvic floor and how can you strengthen it?“.

I like the concept, but I don’t want to stain my clothes, How do I do it?

Free bleeding first arose as a rejection of pads and tampons that released substances harmful to health and caused Toxic Shock Syndrome. If you like this line of thinking, there are many ecological and sustainable ways without having to spend hours clearing stains from your clothes.

free bleeding and menstrual cupAlthough the main idea of this movement is to break the excessive importance given to someone who notices our menstruation, it is natural that there are many who, although also desiring to eliminate taboos, do not want to stain their clothes each day of their period.

The menstrual cup is an excellent idea to start practicing free bleeding, which, while you learn to control your pubococcygeal muscles (the medical name attributed to the vaginal muscles) will be a mechanism of self-knowledge and protection of your intimate area, since It is very safe for you and the environment.

The menstrual cup doesn’t cause infections, allergies, or Toxic Shock Syndrome. Reusable panties and fabric pads have also become available, which are absorbent and also ecological so that you can train your body to get used to feeling the movements of your uterus.

Can all women practice free bleeding?

Yes! With free bleeding, the idea is about letting it flow and not caring if anyone notices the stains. Although, again, if what you want is to be able to contain your flow for hours and afterward, consciously expel it in the bathroom, you’ll need strong pelvic floor muscles.

For this reason, the practice is often more difficult for women who have recently given birth by natural means, or who have conditions like pelvic organ prolapse.

You can begin by practicing it in house, and when you are going to leave for work or run errands, opt to use your menstrual cup or fabric pads. In this way, you can pick up the skill and practice it until you finally master the art of containing your menstrual blood.

Free bleeding may not be for everyone, but you can always support the gender equality movement by providing education, debunking myths, and above all, feeling proud of every natural process that occurs in your body, including your menstruation.

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Transitioning to the Menstrual Cup: We Can Help You Leave Pads and Tampons Behind

Barriers to Switching to the Menstrual Cup

The majority of girls turn to sanitary napkins when they begin to menstruate. They’re easy to use and don’t require touching intimate parts. Some may feel more embarrassed using tampons than pads, although for some women this popular item is an ordinary thing. On the other hand, the menstrual cup is a “new” invention (really, it’s not: it dates from the 1930s), which continues to raise doubt in girls around the world, although many women have already gotten to switch to menstrual cups.

“Motivators” and Barriers to using the Menstrual Cup

Transitioning to Menstrual CupsAccording to a study by the University of Barcelona called “The Revolution of the Menstrual Cup” conducted for women of different ages, there are “motivators” that lead women to use menstrual cups and barriers that keep them from switching to them.

Part of these motivators is the benefits that the menstrual cup brings: 79% of women, according to said study, choose them because they offer greater comfort, while 74% believe it is the healthiest option. Another 63% choose it for being an ecological item.

Another motivator is that they can be used for up to 12 hours and are very durable since you can reuse your menstrual cup during each cycle for up to 10 years. This reduces high monthly expenses on pads and tampons.

On the other hand, according to this study, the first barrier to using the cup that comes up is “How am I going to stick a cup in there?” This is a very common question since many girls are still skeptical about the use of the menstrual cup.

For girls under 29, one of the impediments is being shy about placing something inside your vagina and introducing it into your intimate areas.

Placing the menstrual cup is very simple. For this reason, Sileu has created many tutorials and guides for handling, hygiene, and ways to fold the menstrual cup for easy insertion. Once girls see all of the benefits and that there’s nothing to be afraid of, they can decide to get their first menstrual cup.

In addition, it was determined that in part, women decide not to use the menstrual cup because they prefer not to change their usual method of menstrual hygiene. Most girls start out using pads, followed to a lesser extent by those who use tampons.

Of course, using the menstrual cup requires a small learning curve in which you must learn the tricks to place it effectively, check that it has been left open, and begin the process of adapting yourself to it. Once this stage is over, you’ll leave behind all doubts and fears and become the best ally of your period.

This process is considered to be the second barrier to break, and we can say that up to 90% of women quickly overcome it and begin to love the cup. Compared to other products, there are many benefits and advantages that the menstrual cup offers since it’s very comfortable to use and doesn’t contaminate your body or the environment.

In addition, it can be adapted to any lifestyle: you can play sports, swim or go to the beach, go to work, and even sleep with your menstrual cup intact. All of this is possible without having to suffer from leaks or losses.

So cheer up– don’t be afraid to make the leap towards this wonderful product. Here, we can advise you to select the ideal menstrual cup for you.

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Online Advising for your Menstrual Cup

Menstruation is still a taboo even in the most developed societies, but the menstrual cup is a revolutionary invention that has not only improved intimate hygiene health but has demonstrated the importance of menstrual education.

At Sileu, we not only care about providing this education: we take care of advising girls who want to make the magical change towards the menstrual cup, by using the latest online technology with chatbots, online appointment booking, Whatsapp, and a blog filled with articles and videos that can give you the confidence to quickly learn how to use a menstrual cup.

Studies have already been completed that prove the menstrual cup is very safe, does not allow leaks, and does not cause infections. However, there are still certain barriers such as shyness and fear, which still need to be overcome to leave pads and tampons behind.

Sileucup is the highest-rated and most sold menstrual cup online, and you can check it out by reading our product reviews on Amazon. We’ve received so much feedback from our clients, and this has helped us gather a lot of information and familiarize ourselves with all situations that may arise. We analyze these situations, as well as provide solutions in collaboration with specialized gynecologists when necessary for cases where there are conditions that may or may not be compatible with menstrual cup use. Finally, we resolve any questions or concerns for the safest and most correct way to use the menstrual cups.

Sileu advises you: five ways to answer your questions.

At Sileu, we have one goal: to share information, educate, and give advice through many forms of media about the use of the menstrual cup. In this way, women can look for information, ask for help, seek advice on particular cases, and resolve any worries while making the transition toward the menstrual cup.

online advising for your menstrual cup

  1. Sileu Blog: Sileu’s blog has all kinds of information related to the menstrual cup, quality certification processes, and everything related to menstruation. There you will be able to find the tricks to insert, take out, and clean the menstrual cup, tips to measure your cervix and vaginal length to choose your ideal menstrual cup, and much more.
    This is the place where we write articles to help women and girls understand the world of menstrual cups, feminine hygiene, and menstrual education. It is here where we give power to information supporting female empowerment, leave myths and menstrual taboos behind, and encourage that menstruation to be seen for what it is: a natural process.

videos and online advising for your menstrual cup

2. Videos by Sileu: Sileu’s videos will help you understand everything about menstrual cups much better. These videos and tutorials visually explain how to place your menstrual cup, which cup you should choose according to each case, how to remove the cup, and much more. You can find them on the Sileu Videos page and YouTube.


3. Sileu Chatbot: If you didn’t find what you were sileu chatbot: online advising for your menstrual cuplooking for on the Sileu blog or in the videos, there is always an active chat on the official Sileu page, which allows you to ask all kinds of questions at any time of the day. A Chatbot is a program that simulates a conversation with a person by providing automatic responses to messages or questions asked by the user. In addition, ChatBot is constantly renewing and learning in order to automatically respond to new frequently asked questions, so you won’t have to wait long to resolve your concerns. It is also designed to identify keywords from Sileu Blog articles, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for. It appears in the corner at the bottom right of each page on the Sileu website. If for some reason our Chatbot runs out of resources or doesn’t have an answer, a human is notified to take its place and answer your questions promptly. All conversations are recorded to be analyzed and for reprogramming our Chatbot to respond quickly whenever the user needs it.

online advising for your menstrual cup

4. Online and Face-to-Face Appointments with an Advisor: Yes– now you can request an appointment where you will receive personalized advice for any of your concerns or questions about the menstrual cup. Through the Sileu Facebook page, you can select the date and time you are available to receive help from Sileu-qualified personnel.
Additionally, you can make an appointment to personally visit their offices in Cordoba, Spain. There, they will give you all the information you need to encourage you to use the menstrual cup. They are also available to help you by phone.

Whatsapp advising


5. WhatsApp: We provide you with a Whatsapp phone number to make online chat queries through Whatsapp





Receiving so much feedback from our customers has also helped us to understand the needs of the market by developing new products for cleaning (Sileuclean) and carrying the cup (Sileucase).

We encourage you to join the menstrual cup movement. In Sileu, you will always find the relevant help quickly and in a timely manner to solve all your doubts.

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Doing Yoga With a Menstrual Cup

Menstrual cups are wonderful: you can train, swim and do all kinds of activities with them. Without a doubt, a favorite of these disciplines in recent times has been yoga. Doing yoga is highly beneficial because it not only trains your body and gives you strength and endurance but also trains your mind and contributes to your psychological health. But with so many postures and stretches that require effort, can you do yoga with a menstrual cup? Will I have leaks or stains?

Doing Yoga with a Menstrual Cup

Yes, you can do yoga with a menstrual cup. It’s safe and secure.
yoga with a menstrual cupIf you’re someone who’s not largely affected by your period, congratulations! You can peacefully continue your routine without any fear. Additionally, exercising helps you release very positive endorphins for your body, so you will certainly feel better and more eager.

However, practicing yoga during menstruation, as with any discipline, will depend more on how you feel during those days. We know there are women who suffer from dysmenorrhea and annoying symptoms that come with their period, so don’t feel pressured to do any activity for which you don’t feel comfortable.

Part of the philosophy of doing yoga is entering into connection with your body and your surroundings. If you force yourself, the result will be the opposite and you could hurt yourself.

Menstrual cups are completely safe for you and the environment. They are reusable, so you won’t leave behind the thousands of annual waste accumulated after each menstrual period and release chemicals that cause diseases and infections.

Can I have leaks or losses with the menstrual cup?

One of the advantages of menstrual cups is the freedom of not having to check if you’ve stained yourself or lost any blood. The cup exerts suction onto the walls of your vagina creating a vacuum, so your menstrual cup won’t move from its place and thus prevent leakage.

However, if you’re new to using menstrual cups, you should know how to choose which model and size to use because it will depend on your cup to adapt well to your pelvic muscles and not fall out.

If I practice yoga, which menstrual cup should I choose?

Women who frequently practice sports and have a well-exercised pelvic floor usually require slightly stiffer menstrual cups that resist movement while using the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

Choosing your menstrual cup depends on many factors: your age, whether you’ve had natural births or not, the length of your vagina, and if you have conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse or a weak pelvic floor.

For those women who practice sports regularly, the cup we always recommend is Sileu Sport, because it has less flexibility than regular cups and will adapt better to your needs.

Visit our article “Menstrual Cups for Athletes” to know all the details of which menstrual cup to choose during training.

Benefits of doing yoga on your period

The benefits of doing yoga are innumerable for both women and men. You release stress, practice flexibility and endurance, and strengthen your muscles. In addition, it has a strong spiritual background. It is part of ancient culture from India and is practiced not only by religious people but by millions everywhere around the world.

Its benefits are scientifically proven. It’s generalized and integral conditioning, beneficial for men, women, and children.

When we have our periods and our symptoms don’t prevent us from continuing with our day-to-day lives, there are certain postures and positions that can help us relieve the discomfort that comes with menstruation. The benefits are:

  1. Reduces irritability: breathing and stretching will help you reduce cortisol (stress hormone) and release endorphins that will improve your mood. You’ll see that at the end of your routine, you’ll feel much more at ease, so it is worth a try.
  2. It relieves pain and spasms: postures such as Supta Baddha Konasana, which is done lying on your back with your legs bent and the soles of your feet together, helps release pressure on the pelvic muscles, reduce blood pressure, and improve breathing.
  3. It opens up the hip, reduces colics, and constipation.
  4. It relieves menstrual cramps because it reduces uterine contractions that cause belly pain.

Yoga during menstruation according to the yogi philosophy

doing yoga with menstrual cupAccording to the philosophy of yoga, during menstruation the energies must flow down, so you must choose positions that favor this flow as well as avoid inverted postures and those that compress the abdominal area.

Don’t worry, there are many more positions you can practice when doing yoga on our period without having to interrupt your daily routine. You can always practice the positions of the dog, the child, cat and cow, the Savasana, Malasana and many more.

Sessions that involve a lot of physical effort, power yoga or high demand on your pelvic area are not recommended.

You should note that these philosophical positions related to energy are not backed by science, so it’s up to you to decide to believe them and know what will make your body better.

Yoga is a wonderful discipline, and you don’t have to stop practicing it while on your period. Your menstrual cup will be your best ally.

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Ways to Fold Your Menstrual Cup: Tips and Tricks

You’re now certain and about to buy your menstrual cup but the last thing you need to think about is to solve the famous question of “How do I put that cup down there?” It even happens that a lot of people get their menstrual cup and upon seeing it say “This is too big for me.” Don’t worry– we’ve designed a manual with ways to fold the Sileu menstrual cup so that you can insert it without any problems.

Menstrual cups are very safe and comfortable and can be used by all types of women (even virgin girls). Relax, once you overcome the learning curve for inserting your menstrual cup, you’ll love it for sure.

Ways to fold the menstrual cup in three steps:

The typical C-shape

C-fold your menstrual cupThis is the most common and simple way to fold your cup. It consists only of folding the cup from the edge so that it forms a letter C to be inserted in this way. It’s a very easy way to fold and ensure that the cup opens effectively, though perhaps it’s not the most comfortable for those who are new to the world of menstrual cups.

How it works:

  1. Take the cup and flatten it with your thumb and index finger.
  2. Fold it until you see that the edge of the cup forms a letter C.
  3. Hold it firmly by the bottom of the edge; you can now insert your menstrual cup.

The reliable V
V- fold your menstrual cupThis is one of the most effective ways to fold the menstrual cup, especially for first-time girls. It makes placing the cup easier because it forms a slightly more pointed angle that facilitates the process.

In addition, the double fold gives the edge a bit more rigidity so that it doesn’t bend while trying to place it. The V-shape also helps you to open your cup correctly when it is already inside, ensuring that you’ll be leak-free.

How it works:

  • With your index finger, press a part of the edge of the glass and bring it in and down. Most of the edge of the cup will remain inside it.
  • Hold the part of the cup you just folded to keep it this way.
  • A part of the edge of your menstrual cup should be pointed. You can now insert your cup in this form.

As Small as Possible
As small as possibleThis method of bending reduces the diameter of the cup as much as possible until it’s almost like a tampon; however, this is more feasibly done in cups with greater flexibility like our Sileu Bell model. Folding it in this way makes positioning much easier, although you should always check that the cup opens effectively.

How it works:

  1. Flatten the menstrual cup and take one of the tips of the edge.
  2. Begin to compactly roll your menstrual cup until it becomes a small roll.
  3. Gripping it well, you can now insert your menstrual cup.

A practical 7-fold
7-FoldThis is another useful way to bend the menstrual cup, which, similar to the V-shape, makes one of the ends of the edge of your cup more pointed and thus easier to place. Folding it like this, the edge of your cup will form a number 7.

How it works:

  1. Flatten your menstrual cup and fold down one of the corners of the edge, bringing it down to the base of the cup.
  2. Hold it so it stays folded this way
  3. Put in your menstrual cup.

Another tip you should know to place your menstrual cup

After you place your menstrual cup, you should make sure that it stays open to ensure it doesn’t come out and that there is no leakage.

Doing so is very simple: with the cup already inside, run your index finger around the edge. If you do not feel any folds, it means that your cup is open and well placed. Otherwise, try to move it a little while holding the stem so that it opens or takes it out and repeats the placement process.

If it seems easier, you can use some neutral lubricant or moisten it with some water to make the process more bearable.

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How to Take Out Your Menstrual Cup Without a Problem

How to put in a menstrual cup is one of the most common questions that women ask us when choosing a cup. The other main question we get asked is: “How do you take out your menstrual cup after using it? Is it easy to do?”

Some other things that can cause uncertainty are whether taking out the menstrual cup will be painful, how to remove it when we’re not at home, and how to clean it in a public restroom. These types of common concerns motivate us to continue publishing tips to help you lose your fear of using these amazing products.

Removing the menstrual cup is very simple. We’ll explain in simple steps how to remove it without problems or stains.

Steps to taking out your menstrual cup

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.Wash your hands thoroughly: before proceeding to remove your menstrual cup, you should remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Just like when you put it in, hygiene is vital to prevent infections in your intimate area.


Find a comfortable position.Take a comfortable position: whether squatting, lying, or sitting. Choose whichever way is most comfortable for you so that your vaginal muscles are relaxed.


Grab the stem.

Grab the stem: insert your index finger and thumb and look for the stem of the menstrual cup. Just pull it a little bit until you feel like the cup is a little further out.


Press the base: Then press the base of the cup to bend it and finish removing it. This is the main trick to prevent accidents from occurring because if you remove the cup only by the stem, the force of the suction could cause the liquid to bounce and spill out when removing it.

Straining your pelvic floor muscles can also help you take it out.

taking out your menstrual cupRemove the menstrual flow: When you have the cup in your hands, hold it by the stem again and remove the flow. Wash it with neutral soap and water, and you’re ready to use it again. Otherwise, sterilize it and save it for the next occasion.

At SileuCup we have prepared an instructional video with these steps to tell you how to remove your SileuCup without problems. In addition, we also have an article on how to cut the stem in case it causes you discomfort.

If you feel your menstrual cup is jammed or can’t find the stem, don’t worry, click on our article “Is your Menstrual Cup Stuck in Your Vagina?” to address these concerns.

Tips for removing the menstrual cup when you’re in a public restroom

Take out your menstrual cup in a public restroom.Let’s say you’re at work, in a restaurant bathroom, or at a beach. Many of those bathrooms have a separate sink and toilet area. Also, lying down in a public bathroom isn’t convenient. So how can I take out my menstrual cup in this situation?

The first thing to know is that, depending on how much flow you have, you can keep your menstrual cup intact for 4 to 12 hours.

This way, you can plan: if you’re going to a party, for example, wash and place your cup just before you leave, so you’ll be sure your cup won’t overfill while dancing and end up leaking.

Other tips include:

  1. Take a little bottle of water with you inside the bathroom. This way, if you don’t have direct access to the sink, you can rinse the menstrual cup a little so you won’t go out later and wash the cup full of blood. Similarly, take some toilet paper so that after washing your hands, you can enter the bathroom without having to touch the door.
  2. You don’t have to sit or lie down. It may be easier for you to remove the cup while squatting. You can push a little, as your vaginal muscles will help you remove it more easily.
  3. Bring wet towels or wet toilet paper with you to clean your hands, intimate area, and even the cup itself. Make sure they are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and intended to clean your private parts, in order to prevent any type of alteration of the vaginal pH.

Planning is the key to success, so if you’re going to work, out with friends, or on a romantic date, it’s best to carry some of these items in your bag so that removing and cleaning your cup in a public restroom will be a piece of cake.

Besides, practice makes perfect. These tips and recommendations will get easier and easier for you the more you practice, so don’t be afraid to use the menstrual

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The Tilted or Retroverted Uterus: You Can Still Use Menstrual Cups

We know that typically, the female anatomy can vary a bit from woman to woman: larger or smaller breasts, a higher or lower cervix, a shorter or longer vaginal length. However, there is a condition known as the retroverted uterus in which the position of the uterus is abnormal.

This doesn’t pose major risks to a woman’s health, and it’s not a very rare condition. But what does it mean? How can I know if I have a retroverted uterus? Can I use my menstrual cup if I have these characteristics?

You’ve come to the right place to answer these questions.

What is a retroverted or tilted uterus?

Tilted or Retroverted UterusBefore defining what the uterus in retroversion is, we must clarify what the normal uterine anatomy is (also known as a uterus in anteversion).

Under normal conditions, the uterus is curved and leans forward, as if pointing towards the lower abdomen at the front of the woman. However, up to 30% of women tend to show abnormalities concerning their reproductive anatomy.

We say the uterus is inverted because it’s oriented backward towards the woman’s spine. Normally, the uterine cavity is supported on the bladder, but in some degrees of retroversion, the uterus could become positioned over the rectum.

Don’t worry— it’s not a serious condition that will affect your health or prevent your fertility.

Why does the uterus become retroverted?

In many cases, this condition is congenital. The uterus may have already taken that position during the gestational period, such that girls are already born with this condition.

However, retroversion can occur subsequently as a result of other pathologies. Some causes of a retroverted uterus are:

  1. Pregnancy, although it can revert to its original position between 10 and 12 weeks of gestation.
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Pelvic inflammatory disease, caused by inflammation in the reproductive organs.
  4. Tumors
  5. Menopause
  6. Abortions
  7. Adhesions or scar tissue in any of the pelvic organs produced by surgery.

How can I know if I have a retroverted uterus? Will I show symptoms?

Gynecological examThe way to determine this is through a gynecological exam. Usually, on your first visit, the gynecologist can determine if your uterus is retroverted.

However, it’s sometimes not so easy to notice at first glance, which can lead to confusing the uterus with some foreign mass or fibroid. Nevertheless, an ultrasound can solve this and determine the exact position of the uterus.

Usually, this condition is asymptomatic, meaning that no particular symptoms occur, especially if the abnormality has been present from birth.

On the other hand, when it occurs later in life, you may show some signs that could indicate a retroverted uterus such as pain when going to the bathroom, pain when having sex due to the penis colliding with the cervix, prolonged chronic constipation, and even symptoms of irritability, upset stomach, or headache.

Can I use my menstrual cup if I have a retrograde uterus?

Yes! The menstrual cup is located between your vaginal walls and does not reach the uterus, so you can use your menstrual cup without any problems.

We should clarify that in some degrees of retroversion, the uterus also causes the cervix to change position and cause you to unknowingly put in your menstrual cup incorrectly.

Related: 5 reasons why you could show leaks using the menstrual cup

Treatment and cure for a tilted uterus

A tilted uterus is a condition that shouldn’t cause discomfort such that you would need any treatment. However, when the roots of this anomaly are diseases, surgery, or pregnancies, anti-inflammatories and analgesics can be taken to calm belly aches and dysmenorrhea.

In some very rare situations, surgery is necessary to return the uterus to its place.

Getting pregnant having uterine retroversion: Can it be done?

Women with this condition won’t have problems getting pregnant, and their baby won’t be affected by the position of the uterus, so you shouldn’t worry. Even as the weight of the fetus grows, the uterus may return to its normal position.

However, remember that this anomaly may be caused by other diseases that are related to decreased fertility. Confirm with a doctor that you can treat and/or cure them, and then you’ll have no problems getting pregnant.

Women with a retroverted uterus have the same fertility as those who don’t. There are some positions that are recommended during sexual intercourse to avoid discomfort and open up the cervix to receive sperm.